Nothing Rhymes with Orange

Author: Stan Oftelie
Illustrator: Dan Almanzar

"Nothing Rhymes with Orange" explores the half-remembered stories of Orange County's colorful past - from the days of the dinosaurs to the times of the Old Missions and the Old West. It recalls the farming days when oranges were the King of Crops, right up to the magic moments when Disneyland opened, and the Angels moved to Anaheim, and the county's population grew and grew.

ISBN: 978-1-941346-00-6
First Publication: 2011
Revised 2nd Edition: 2015

A Few Notes from our Community Leaders:

"Congratulations! You are about to learn more about Orange County, California than probably anyone in your family or in your neighborhood. This book was written by Stan Oftelie, who uncovered information that will make third grade history fun and exciting. After reading it, you will be a superstar of knowledge about Orange County.

You will discover some interesting facts and I'll bet if you go home and share them with your family members and friends, they will be surprised by what you know! For example, did you know that Orange County was part of Mexico a long time ago? You and your classmates will also learn about street names, city names, and places of interest in Orange County. You will discover the 'Secret Club,' and you may want to start one in your own class.

I think the most fun part of this amazing history book is that as you drive around Orange County with your family, you will be able to teach them about street names and places you visit. It might even be fun for you to plan a trip around Orange County where you share clues with your family and have them guess where they're going. History can be fun, and I know you will find Nothing Rhymes with Orange as enjoyable as I did. We are very fortunate to live in Orange County, a place that is filled with history and opportunities!"

- Al Mijares, Orange County Superintendent of Schools

"Welcome! As a former high school English teacher and school board trustee, I know our history is alive all around us - in the names of our cities, the names of our streets, our parks and even our schools. When you learn about our shared history and the place where we live, you'll discover you live in the most wonderful place in the world - Orange County, California.

From the days of the dinosaurs to the times of the Old West and the Old Missions, Orange County has been special - enjoying miles of coastline, beautiful mountains and hillsides, and, at one time, miles and miles of citrus groves. Disneyland grew out of those orange groves. So did Anaheim Stadium and, most likely, the place where you - yes, you! - live was once a citrus orchard or a great cattle ranch. You can find out more in Nothing Rhymes with Orange.

Where I serve, at our county's largest local government agency - the County of Orange - we embrace our county's rich heritage and work to protect and preserve it. In Nothing Rhymes with Orange, you'll read about - and see historic photographs - of our regional parks, our beautiful harbors, and our celebrated past. You will begin to see how history is truly alive all around us.

This book - and the Gift of History event - is a great way for you to begin to learn about Orange County's history!"

- Todd Spitzer, Chairman, Orange County Board of Supervisors